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Armando Williams.
OUT OF PLACE. Anthology (1979-2020)
Lima, Peru

Armando Williams. Fuera de Sitio. Antología (1979-2024). Foto: Juan Pablo Murrugarra.

Armando Williams. Fuera de Sitio. Antología (1979-2024). Foto: Juan Pablo Murrugarra.

Armando Williams. Fuera de Sitio. Antología (1979-2024). Foto: Juan Pablo Murrugarra.

Armando Williams. Fuera de Sitio. Antología (1979-2024). Foto: Juan Pablo Murrugarra.
Armando Williams.FUERA DE SITIO. Antología (1979-2020)
You can purchase the catalogue of the exhibition Armando Williams. OUT OF PLACE Anthology (1979-2024) , edited by Alberto Servat, Charles Miró Quesada, Luis Muro and Miguel A. López at the ICPNA and in the bookstores El Virrey , Librería Sur , La Rebelde , among others.
Armando Williams
Forum Gallery
Lima, Peru

Armando Williams. Oído a la música. Galería Forum. 2019. Foto: Sandra Elías.

Armando Williams. Oído a la música. Galería Forum. 2019. Foto: Sandra Elías.

Armando Williams. Oído a la música. Galería Forum. 2019. Foto: Sandra Elías.

Armando Williams. Oído a la música. Galería Forum. 2019. Foto: Sandra Elías.
Curatorial text
Armando Williams.
Ear to Music.
Forum Gallery
The exhibition's introductory text was written by the artist Ricardo Wiesse Reblagliati. "Transmuted into lines and flat colours, the shapes and landscapes sunk in indefinite distances transpose and amplify univocal, physically verifiable perceptions."
Armando Williams
Peruvian North American Cultural Center
Arequipa, Peru

Armando Williams. Los Acertijos de Williams Centro Cultural Peruano Norteamericano de Arequipa.. 2

Armando Williams. Los Acertijos de Williams Centro Cultural Peruano Norteamericano de Arequipa.. 2

Armando Williams. Los Acertijos de Williams Centro Cultural Peruano Norteamericano de Arequipa.. 2

Armando Williams. Los Acertijos de Williams Centro Cultural Peruano Norteamericano de Arequipa.. 2
Text of the room
Armando Williams.
Ear to Music.
Forum Gallery
The presentation text of the exhibition was written by art critic Luis Lama.
“...pentimento is an Italian word used to describe the correction or reappearance of a painting over which another one has been painted over. In Williams' case, it is not a question of hesitation or regret. The superposition of lines in his works creates a deliberate pentimimento. In her memoirs, Lilian Hellman metaphorically maintains that “as time passes, a color that ages on the canvas tends to become transparent. When this happens, it is possible to see in some paintings the original lines, an idea that gave rise to a mature work, a great ship that is no longer on the open sea. This is called pentimento because the painter regretted or changed his mind.” Luis Lama
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